
Always believe

something amazing is about to happen

May 14, 2015 ~ They say that there's something to learn out of every experience. I'm still trying to figure out what I'm supposed to learn from this one.

Maybe there are lots of things I'm supposed to learn. Like how to notice little kindnesses. On the morning we followed the deputy's van to the State Hospital, the cashier at McDonald's smiled at me and called me "hon". Normally, I bristle at that. For some reason it just seemed like a little kindness that I needed right then. It made me feel better.

I haven't encountered one person at the State Hospital who didn't smile at me and introduce themselves. They just go about their day, doing what they do, having no idea how much that little smile means to someone like me. Actually, maybe they do know.

It's the person in the car who lets you into traffic, knowing you'd be sitting there waiting a week from now if he didn't.

It's the doctor who voluntarily gives you his email address and says, "Contact me anytime. I'll always respond". And then he does.

It's the colleague who sits beside you in a meeting and, on seeing that you need to plug your computer in before it dies, gets up with the charger and does it for you without being asked.

Little kindnesses. Never underestimate how powerful they are.