Providers who care

March 22, 2015 ~ Given that we've had some rocky experiences with providers in the past, learning to trust our new providers has become a big deal for me. I'm not used to people who act like they care how this might turn out for us.

On Thursday I told the therapist that we were starting to see little signs of deterioration and felt that the Invega Sustenna was starting to lose its effect. The problem is that the next injection isn't due until next week. He told me to see how the night went, then call him on Friday morning and let him know how things were.

We were seeing more signs of deterioration overnight, so I called him and left a message giving our observations. I told him, "I trust you to do with this information what you will. If I don't hear from you I'll assume we're not doing anything different and we'll hope for a good weekend."

Would he call me back? Would he let it go? Our past experience said that we wouldn't get a call back and we'd be on our own, again, for a very long weekend. That is exactly what I expected to happen.

All day Friday I waited. And the longer I waited the more I knew we were, once again, in our little life boat on the ocean. By 5:00, I gave up.

And then, at 5:44, he left me a message. (Which illustrates, by the way, a great Mystery of the Universe, which is how in the world you can watch your phone all day for a phone call, then actually miss it!?!?) He apologized for taking so long to get back with me. He was on call that night, he said, and encouraged us to keep things calm and call if needed.

I have to tell you, I was almost in tears as I listened to his message. He called back. He didn't forget us. Another Ordinary Miracle.

For an ordinary miracle today.

For an ordinary miracle today.