Two pennies

April 2, 2016 ~ A friend of mine once shared with me her belief - based on a story her father told her - that finding a penny on the ground meant an angel was nearby, providing support and comfort. She spoke of the night when, as a hospital social worker, she had to respond to family members of the victim of a terrible tragedy. She dreaded having to deal with this crisis but, on her way to the Emergency Department, she turned a corner to find a penny on the floor in the middle of the hallway. She felt it was evidence that her father (who had passed away years before) had sent an angel to comfort her and give her strength.

The very afternoon I heard this story, we picked up our car after having some work done on it. The repairs required that the front seat be moved and, when the mechanic did so, he found a huge pile of pennies - probably 300 or more - which he bagged up for us. I have no idea how all those pennies got in our car, but I couldn't help but think of her story and, if things really happen that way, how many angels had been watching over us every time we were in the car.

As I've been able to take my son off campus for brief outings away from the State Hospital, it has become very obvious how his illness and year-long hospitalization has affected his ability to interact with the outside world in a meaningful and appropriate manner. While the step forward is encouraging (he's worked really hard to get to this point), his social skills are suffering and it's often awkward - for both of us.

Last night I took him to a restaurant where, on leaving, he walked toward a group of three young people about his age. They sensed something about him and I watched them physically move closer together and turn away from him. I think he noticed it, too but he didn't seem to have an awareness of why they did what they did. I was glad we were leaving.

As we drove away, I hurt for him. And, honestly (and selfishly) I hurt for me, too. I want life to be different for him. And I wish I was smarter, or more inspired, or more SOMETHING so I can make things better for him. The trouble is, I don't know what else to do other than to keep putting one foot in front of the other on the path we're on - a road which sometimes seems - well, kind of endless. It was a bit of a discouraging moment.

At our next stop, however, I looked down as I stepped out of the car. And there, on the ground in the parking lot, were two pennies. I stared at them for a moment, then smiled as I picked them up and tucked them into my pocket.

You can say that this was just a coincidence, or a hopeful thought. You can roll your eyes at what may seem a very simple and silly belief. But I choose to believe that there were two angels who had also seen what happened in that restaurant, and they knew they needed to let us know they were present and concerned and providing help.

Jeffrey R. Holland teaches that, in times of special need, angels are sent to bless God's children, reassure them that heaven is always very close, and that His help is always very near.

Two pennies. Two angels. One for my son - and one for me.