When all seems lost

March 11, 2017 ~ At work, we lost a talented and bright young man because he felt like life was no longer worth living. His grieving and courageous mother called to tell us the news. I can't imagine her pain. And I certainly can't imagine his.

A friend shared with me this week that her young son recently attempted suicide, and this has rocked her world. She had no idea of the past traumas in his life, and she was so devastated when she learned of them that she has also entertained thoughts that maybe life is just too hard to keep going.

It made me remember that, years ago, my uncle felt that same darkness and took his own life. I've read the note he left, which answers no questions about his choice, and certainly doesn't answer the enduring question of "Why". That he suffered so greatly, and felt so alone when we loved him so much, breaks my heart.

And when my son was in the critical throes of his mental illness, I worried every day that I would come home and find that he, too, had given in to the darkness. Fortunately, that never happened, but still.....the fear still sits in the back of my mind and is easy to recall.

How to help? What to say?

So after this week's events, I talked to a trusted friend who has experience with this kind of thing and he gave me the best advice. Pick up the phone right now, and call the person you're worried about. Check in with them regularly and frequently. Let them know you care.

Also, there's this:

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline '1-800-273-TALK (8255)']
And here's the link to their website: http://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/

I will tell you that I now have this number in my wallet. And I won't be afraid to share it with anyone who I think might even be remotely in need of it.

Finally, if you're the one who's feeling like things are becoming pointless, or you're losing hope - please, please remember that you are cared about and you are needed. Find someone to talk to. Use the number. Call a friend. ANYTHING. But don't give in to the darkness.

Life is precious. And, at the end of the day - all we really have is each other.