Know the signs

Early Intervention

Know the signs of psychosis

June 20, 2013 ~ Today marks the one year anniversary of the crisis that led us to call EMS to get our son to the hospital and start the journey of helping him with his psychosis.

As I reflect, I believe the most important thing I’ve learned is to understand the early signs of psychosis and intervene quickly. I watched my 17 year old son deteriorate over a period of 4-6 weeks because I had no idea what I was seeing. He lost 30 pounds, weighing only 95 pounds when he went into the hospital, because he wouldn't eat. He got a second degree sunburn because he sat outside all day in the sun without benefit of shade. I thought it was just a bout of weird teenage behavior. I was so wrong, and by the time I realized we were dealing with a mental illness, he had deteriorated to the point of being catatonic - unable to speak, eat, drink, or respond to me. Talk about Mommy Guilt......

If your gut tells you someone needs help, do whatever you have to do to get that help. The early signs of psychosis can be very subtle, but being aware of them and responding quickly can make recovery easier and treatment more effective. I tried to get him to a psychiatrist but he wouldn't go. It took calling EMS, even when he didn't want me to, for me to start getting him the help that he needed.

Symptoms I saw:

1. Strange suspicions
2. Inability to concentrate or focus, especially at school
3. Loss of interest in food and drink
4. Complete cessation of hygiene - taking showers, brushing teeth, etc.
5. Non-responsiveness, which can be a sign of hearing voices.
6. Standing for hours on end; inability to sleep.

If you've read through to this point you have allowed me to participate in my own healing moment, so I thank you.

This journey is traumatic for everyone. Peace.