Ordinary Miracles

March 11, 2013 ~ Last week, for the first time in months (almost a year) my son looked at me across a restaurant table and smiled at me. It was brief and fleeting and I thought for a moment that I imagined it. But I didn't.

It was an "ordinary miracle".

"Our loved ones are neither heartbreakingly young and adorable, nor successful to point of being an endowed professor. Nope, we live – if we are lucky – in the world of ordinary miracles, like when we have a stable day, or our loved ones make it through a family function without incident, or when they achieve the things many are fortunate enough to take for granted:
decent school grades
a job
a hug
a friend."


The article, “For Better or Worse: Parenting and Mental Illness” can be found here: https://bit.ly/2Pp5PZG