Going rogue

One of the many, many rules of the first psychiatric unit our son lived in for 5 weeks was that all food that we brought in had to be checked by the staff. I understood why. But what I didn't understand was why we could bring in restaurant food but not food from home. I just wanted him to have a little piece of home for a moment.

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So after several weeks of watching him eat "institutional" food I went rogue by making homemade spaghetti and putting it in a styrofoam to-go box we bought at Wal-Mart. They checked it, as they always did, at the door then waved us on. He enjoyed a home-cooked meal and nobody was the wiser. I'm not usually (read: EVER) a rule-breaker but I have to tell you that I was kind of proud of myself.

Don't judge. Even the Dalai Lama says it was OK.