Grief and Mental Illness

I've heard from so many moms who have children with mental illness that they are constantly grieving so many things - the loss of the child they knew, the loss of the hopes and dreams they had for their children, and the loss of "normal".

Some strategies to help:

~Recognize and acknowledge that you're grieving. All grief is the product of a loss, and the things lost to mental illness are important and deserve acknowledgement.

~Express your sorrow. Talk to someone about it, or write your feelings down in a journal.

~Let go of your regrets, and all the things you wish you would have done. I promise that you could not have prevented the illness from happening, so let those things go.

~Take care of yourself - eat a balanced diet, engage in exercise or activity at a level you're comfortable with.

~Practice mindfulness - pay attention to the moment you're in, and find the peace, beauty and healing that might be present in it.

~Acknowledge your grief, but take a break from it sometimes. It's OK to still enjoy things that make you happy. No guilt!!

~Keep a sense of humor.

~Find the hero within yourself. Celebrate your courage, and the discipline you are exercising to do the things you have to do. Find ways to reach out to others and relieve their suffering.

Grief over loss also means there is and has been great love. Be kind to yourself. And stay strong, moms.